Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eat These Veggies to help fight cancer!

Although all veggies have amazing health benefits, some may have a little more of what you need to help fight against those pesky free radicals in your body which cause cancer. This doesn't mean don't eat carrots anymore because they don't destroy cancer causing cells-these tips are just suggestions of what to eat more of to increase your intake of antioxidants through specific vegetables!
EAT MORE: Brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, garlic, & spinach.
EAT LESS: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers.

As you can see, the vegetables that contain the most antioxidants are green, leafy vegetables like the cabbage and spinach and fragrant veggies like garlic. This article also went into saying that although these are the vegetables that are known to have the most antioxidants to help fight cancer, they only make up 1% of the United States fruit/vegetable consumption where as other vegetables/fruit like potatoes (which contain almost no cancer fighting properties) make up 60% of the United States diet.
With such simple little tweaks to our diet, it should be easy to add these powerful antioxidant enriched vegetables to our daily diet! Maybe try sprinkling garlic on your whole grain pasta, or having spinach on your sandwich instead of regular lettuce. With these small changes you'll get a more flavorful meal and more health benefits as well!