Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beating your sweet tooth!

Now and then (sometimes more now rather than then) we all get cravings for something sweet. While some research has claimed that taking a ten minute power walk around the neighborhood can help calm the craving of chocolate, other times there just really isnt any other way around it- you have to cave in! But now there's no need to feel guilty because a healthier option is in store. Next time you're craving a delciously sweet snack try unrefined sugars such as those found in honey, brown sugar, maple syrup or molasses. According to new research being performed at Virginia Tech, unrefined sugars contain potentially useful amounts of antioxidants which help ward off free radicals and combat infectious diseases!

As for just honey, researches claim there may be many different health benefits to it other than just being a delicious additive to teas!

~as a diet helper: In a 2008 study by the Journal of Food Science, scientists reported that rats fed with a honey sweetened diet gained 23% less fat than rats fed with refined sugars over a year long span!

~ as a cough suppressant: Researchers say the part of the brain that senses sweetness and that causes coughing are near to each other, so by eating honey it may help trick the brain into supressing the cough!

~as allergy relief: When honeybees collect honey they gather many different types of pollens that may cause your itchy eyes, running nose, etc. By exposing your immune system to these things (which may be found in honey from the honey bee's legs) you may reduce your allergy to them or chance to develop side effects!

Here are some sinfully sweet (but healthier) sweet tooth buster recipes! Yumm!

1 comment:

  1. Just the picture looks very apetizing. I too try not to have sweets often, but I take alot of sugar in my coffee or tea when I have it. I have tried honey in my tea once or twice, but I will definately implement it into my rountine the next time I do. I had no idea there were so many benefits to honey also. Thanks
