Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beating Stress!

A very important aspect of wellness is being able to cope and deal with the stresses of the everyday. Being in college, if it's not one thing, it's definitely another-whether it be a mound of homework, social problems, family problems, or even more deeper issues, it seems as though there's always something in the back of your mind that you're stressing about. In between all these things, just when it seems as though your world is going to come crashing down, there is hope! For centuries now people have been practicing many different forms of stress relief, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and even simple moves like relaxed breathing to help take a break and focus on the task at hand.

There are many health benefits to relaxation techniques such as these which include slowing your heart rate, lowering blood pressure, slowing your breathing rate, reducing the need for oxygen, increasing blood flow to major muscles, and reducing muscle tension. Along with these helpful benefits come the even more helpful, overall wellness related aspects as well such as: fewer physical symptoms, such as headaches, neck aches and back pain, fewer emotional responses, such as anger, saddness and frustration, more energy, improved concentration, greater ability to handle problems, and more efficiency in daily activities! All of these benefits combined can help you cope throughout the day, which will add up to the week in no time!

To read more:

Personally, I do yoga to help ease my mind after getting through a busy week while also working on my flexibility. With such great health (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual) benefits there really is no reason to not make time for it in my life. Yoga classes are offered free, on campus every Tuesday night at 6:30pm and Wednesday at 12:00pm in the Ely Gym as well as every Friday from 3:15-4:15pm in the Davis Common Room! I would highly reccomend trying one of these classes, who knows just exactly what it could do for you!

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