Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Poll Winning Recipe: Mid-day Energy Boosting Snack!

My past weeks poll asked you all which kind of recipe you would like to see me post for an idea of how to eat healthier. The winner was a good idea for a mid-day energy boosting snack so here are some ideas!!

1. Trail Mix-my personal favorite-dried fruit and nuts supply you with lots of protein and carbohydrates to give you some energy when you're feeling sluggish. Some great ideas to throw together are dry roasted almonds, cashews, crasins, raisins, banana chips or any other nut/dried fruit you like! You can even add some dark chocolate chips if you're feeling adventurous and need a little something sweet (don't forget it's antioxidant powers!)
2. If you don't like nuts or dried fruit try bringing whole grain crackers (Kashi is a good brand) and some peanut butter. Again, peanut butter is loaded with protein and good fats to keep you going along with the combination of the whole grain carbs you'll be recieving in the crackers! You can eat an apple, banana, or even celery with pb which all make more great combos!
3. Seseame Carrots- this is a very simple snack to make- all you need are baby carrots (grab some from the DC) and seseame seeds. Sprinkle those babies on and you've got an easy snack to go! You can also add spices and flavoring such as thyme for a little bit of extra bold flavor.
4. Another very simple snack that I love when I'm craving something cold and sweet is frozen grapes. Whoever thought something so simple could be so satisfying??

hope this helps!


  1. These sound like very good ideas for snacks. It is a good reminder for us that there are good snacks instead of just having the ones with empty calories that won't give you the energy you need.

  2. This is a very nice blog. I enjoy exercising and eating healthy so this has given me a few new ideas. I think I may have to try these tasty looking snacks for myself. Great job!
