Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happiness is Contagious :]

We've all heard how smiling and laughing is contagious and how your smile and cause a friend's unhappy mood to turn around-but recent studies show that it can go even farther than just one can spread up to three degrees-which really means your smile and brighten up a friend of a friend of a friend's day!
Everyone once in a while wakes up on the wrong side of the bed or dreads some part of their day which can affect their daily mood greatly, which is completely understandable. What researchers in this study are saying is that if and when you can you should try and reshape your crummy mood because it can greatly affect the people around you with whom you love's mood at the same time.
This study also went as far as to concluding that contagious emotions go farther than just happiness. Researchers found that if you quit smoking, your friend is 36% more likely to quit smoking as well! What a good excuse to help your friend or family be healthier, nevermind just yourself! Now, since you've quit smoking you can smile, and once you smile it'll be contagious to three other people around you. That's really spreading some cheer :]

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