Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Starting your day off right!

For me, waking up in morning and not hearing my stomach growl as soon as I roll out of bed seems nearly inevitable. I'm totally the person who is sitting in class trying to hide my loud stomach growls every two hours. For as long as I can remember I have always been a morning person, quite possibly helping my love for breakfast foods be my favorite type of meal. I know this isn't the same thing for everyone- I know of some people who can't even stand to think of food until around ten or eleven in the morning, when that's when I'm craving lunch! Although this seems crazy, did you know that breakfast can actually help not just keep you lean, but improve your alertness and concentration throughout the day? A study done with a group of 2,000 teenagers showed that participants who ate a healthy breakfast weighed less, exercised more, and actually ate healthier than the rest of their classmates who didn't!
Although there are many different breakfast foods out there, doctor's reccomend eating a balanced breakfast of carbs, protien, and fiber. A good example of a super healthy breakfast to have is whole grain oatmeal(whole grains) made with skim milk (protien) and add in your favorite nuts and fresh fruit for heart healthy fats and antioxidants! By eating this, instead of the easy on the go Pop-Tart or pastry can really help improve your diet as well. According to the article, eating within the first few hours after waking up helps kick-start your metabolism and gives you energy to start off your day, so even if you're the type of person that can't bare to eat anything right as you wake up. Maybe it could even go as far as helping your GPA? Who knows! If you're one of those people who skip breakfast in the morning, try it out!


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. I used to actually be the person who couldn't stand the thought of food until 10 or 11. I actually hated breakfast. But then I learned how important breakfast really is and then began trying to eat breakfast on a regular basis. Now I love eating breakfast, I feel so much more awake and ready for the day when I eat breakfast! This post helped me learn how eating breakfast can really help me mentally and physically.

  2. I am totally there with you on this post 100%; I love breakfast and breakfast food. I feel like it helps me start my day and wake up. I am not truly awake until I have mad something to eat. I also enjoyed the link you put at the bottom of your post and the example of the C, B, and A+, breakfast you can eat and which ones are the best for you. Another section I liked on the web site was the background section where there were questions and answers between CNN and a national spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

  3. I was the person who never used to eat until 12, the thought of food made me sick. Then when I started working out and all of a sudden I wanted to eat breakfast. Now I can not live with out it. Good examples they sound yummy. I find that if I eat breakfast I do not eat so much during the day, which is good.
